The Impact of Schrems II & Key Considerations for Companies Using M365: The Future
March 26, 2021
The Schrems II decision invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield – the umbrella regulation under which companies have been transferring data for the last half-decade. In earlier parts of this four-part series, we described the impact of the Schrems decision, discussed how companies should evaluate their risk in using cloud technologies, and took a deeper dive on M365 in light of Schrems II. In sum, if you are a global business that previously relied upon Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) to transfer data, there is no clear guidance on what to do currently.

It is even murkier in a cloud environment because the location of the data is not as transparent. Fortunately, there are ways to undertake a risk assessment to determine whether to proceed with any new cloud implementations. In the case of Microsoft products, there is also additional support from Microsoft with changes in its standard contractual terms and features in the product to mitigate some risks. Even so, many companies are holding off making any changes because the legal landscape is evolving. In this final part, we opine on what the future may hold. We can expect in the first half of this year that the European Commission will finalise the amended SCCs. We can anticipate that the EDPB will also produce another draft of its recommendations concerning data transfers.
We should see plenty of risk assessments taking place. Even for companies adopting a “wait and see” policy in terms of taking significant steps, those companies should still be looking at their data transfers and carrying out risk assessments to make sure they are as well placed as possible for the moment when the draft SCCs and EDPB guidance are finalised.
It would not be a surprise to see Microsoft continue to expand and develop M365 so that it offers yet more services that could be used as technical measures to reduce the risk around data transfers. These changes would strengthen the position of any company doing business between Europe and the US using M365.
We do not have a crystal ball, and like many of you, are eager to see what happens next in this space. We will continue to monitor and keep you up to date with developments and our thoughts. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to us at