Penningtons Manches Cooper Takes Control of their eDiscovery Process with Lighthouse Spectra

With Spectra, Penningtons Manches Cooper accelerated their ediscovery workflow and created a more efficient and cost-effective process.

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What They Needed

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP, a leading UK and international law firm, was looking for an innovative solution to enable more efficient and cost-effective management of their increasing eDiscovery needs. At the same time, they also wanted a solution that would not require a large investment in hardware, additional personnel, or training. When the team at Penningtons Manches Cooper reached out to Lighthouse about their needs, we suggested Spectra, our cloud-based, self-service eDiscovery solution that would enable the team at Penningtons Manches Cooper to easily run their matters in a more efficient and predictable manner.

Additionally, the team at Penningtons Manches Cooper also wanted the option of leveraging experienced, knowledgeable, and on-demand assistance as required. Because Spectra offers the ability to seamlessly transition a matter from self-service to Lighthouse’s full-service team of eDiscovery experts, it provided the Penningtons Manches Cooper team a level of reassurance that there would always be help on hand should it be needed. The team at Penningtons Manches Cooper agreed that Spectra was the right eDiscovery solution for them.

Spectra is a hugely powerful tool. It enables us to manage DSAR reviews in house from start to finish, without having any specialist technology experts on the team. It is easy to set up and use, and it has saved us, and our clients, time and money.

Penningtons Manches Cooper

How They Did It

Penningtons Manches Cooper partnered with Lighthouse to deploy Spectra, which was implemented within three months from initial proof of concept to rollout with live matters. Primary areas of focus during the implementation were training, process design, and internal change management. The project began with roundtable sessions to fully understand the scope and ensure that deployment was customized to fit Penningtons Manches Cooper’s requirements, deliverables, and goals. And because Spectra is a cloud-based solution, there was no capital expenditure or additional IT resourcing required for implementation. This allowed for a flexible approach, fast implementation, and low ongoing maintenance for Penningtons Manches Cooper.

Once the tool was initially implemented, the team at Penningtons Manches Cooper identified a suitable matter to be used in a proof of concept. Lighthouse trained key Penningtons Manches Cooper personnel on how to use Spectra, and together the two teams worked to create a scalable and repeatable workflow for particular work types. All items were recorded in a bespoke playbook, which fully documents Spectra’s capabilities and process as well as specific Penningtons Manches Cooper requirements.

Next, Lighthouse provided training to the wider Penningtons Manches Cooper team on Spectra, Brainspace, and Lighthouse’s proprietary proprietary tools to enable the firm to leverage automated redaction, chat, and other emerging solutions. Due to the simplicity and on-demand nature of Spectra, the team at Penningtons Manches Cooper was able to realize a 1 to 4-hour reduction in the time it takes to create a matter and upload data into Relativity. Further, Lighthouse developed a custom Relativity template. to ensure the user experience in Relativity is mirrored across matters and complements the firm’s workflows.

Following the successful trial period, Penningtons Manches Cooper has identified and managed many other matters in Spectra with very little external support. Setup of each new matter has been reduced significantly, in some circumstances by up to 2-3 days, as there has been a significant reduction in the number of steps required to instruct external eDiscovery vendors, including no need to gather price proposals, no delay while vendors run conflict checks, and no need for any additional contract negotiation. As a consequence, each legal team was typically able to begin reviewing documents on the same day the data was received by the firm.

In conjunction with the above, predictable and recurring billing practices were implemented and custom reports were developed around the firm’s matters and metrics. This, in turn, will allow Penningtons Manches Cooper to manage cost recovery and integrate billing for a more seamless and efficient process.

The Results

Penningtons Manches Cooper partnered with Lighthouse to roll out Spectra, which enabled their team to control the process from the very start and create efficiency and predictability of cost and process. By using Spectra, the team at Penningtons Manches Cooper was able to create matters in Relativity and Brainspace as well as upload and process data quickly, all within a simplified and intuitive interface. The use of best-in-class technology, combined with repeatable process and in-house expertise, created a tangible benefit, ensuring eDiscovery and document review are completed with minimal cost, a savings which can be passed on directly to the client.